SFAR : Société Française d’Anesthésie et Réanimation
- CAPSO : Consensus Actualités et Perspectives en Suppléance d’Organes
SRLF : Société de Réanimation de Langue Française
GFRUP : Groupe Francophone de Réanimation et d’Urgence Pédiatrique
FCPC : Filiale des cardiopathies congénitales
SFC : Société française de cardiologie
- RFMCC : Rencontres Francophones Multidisciplinaires des Cardiopathies Congénitales
- CCAS : Cardiac Congenital Anesthesia Society
- Cardiopathie congénitale
Cardio Z has been developed by the experienced Paediatric Cardiology team at Evelina Children’s Hospital, London, UK in collaboration with the technology company UBQO. The application makes it easy to calculate Z-scores and centiles for the many cardiac and paediatric measurements that are made in normal clinical practice. Cardio Z distils a wealth of clinical research parameters into a single accessible format.
3D Pediatric Heart Anomalies and Defects
Congenital heart defects can be difficult to visualize and explain. The Heartpedia mobile app provides a variety of anatomically-correct, three-dimensional interactive heart models. Healthcare providers may use these models as visual learning tools to help educate patients and families on specific defects and repairs. The Heartpedia app may also be helpful to patients and families who want to learn more on their own or to share the details of a defect with concerned friends and family. Cincinnati Children’s believes that supplying the right information and tools ultimately results in the highest level of care and the best outcomes.